Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Some Real Blogging Ideas

An ongoing problem for me throughout my coursework in getting my master’s has been to find concrete examples of using specific forms of technology in my MATH classroom.  I understand using technology will enhance learning if I use the tools meaningfully and I get that I can apply many methods to my classroom.  But is there really a benefit (in some cases) to using technology over traditional methods?  I think blogging is pretty neat and I would love to use it in my classroom but I wanted to see some evidence of how it is benefits students with specific topics.  So I went on a hunt.  I found some great examples.  A math teacher named Laurel Janewicz in particular created one that I really enjoyed.  She developed an assignment called Telling a Story With Data.  She describes the success of the students and how they meet many of the math standards as well as literacy and media standards.  She sums up what the students are capable of by completing the assignment and says one thing in particular that resonates with me to give me the push I need to use blogging in my classroom.  She simply says that she “makes thinking visible”.  I like this point of view.  If you are a math teacher, check out the assignment.  I might give it a try.
concrete examples of using specific forms of technology in my MATH classroom.

Finally when looking for math specific examples I came across a website that gave examples of real classroom blogs.   This list gives many links to blogging examples.  The good thing is that it is listed by subject and type of blog.  This is a great resource.  I know I am going to refer back to it every now and then. 


The Edublogger. (2014). Check out class blogs. Retrieved from 

Tolisano, S. (2014). Telling a story with data. Retrieved from       


  1. Jeanette,
    In my new position, I am really striving to make as many cross curricular connections as possible. I am coming from a language arts background, so my approach has definitely favored graphic design and the design elements that we have discussed throughout our program. That is until now! I LOVE the link that you included telling a story with data. What a perfect marriage of math, language arts, computers and even art! I will definitely be incorporating this into my newest research project! Thanks!

  2. Jeanette,
    I have heard a lot of positives about writing in Math. I think this is a great idea. Having students explain their thoughts through a blog not only will help them think through what they are thinking but also allow other students to see their thought process and learn as well.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Jeannette-

    I've struggled with finding how to incorporate specific math concepts within my instruction as well, so you aren't alone. One of our math focuses this year is teaching students how to explain their reasoning and applying math vocabulary during discourse. Many students have a difficult time explaining how they got the answer. The link you've shared gives us some good examples of how we can get students to do just that through technology. As always, it's about trying different things and seeing what works.


  4. Jeannette,
    This seems like a pretty common problem. I've struggled with it myself! These seem like very good resources and I love that multiple content areas are addressed.Thanks for sharing.
